Sunday, September 24, 2006

A fake face

how many times have you run into a person who always smiled, yet you knew there was something hidden in their eyes but it's just too hard to ask them what their thoughts are, their feelings, their passions, their fears

the answer i'm guessing is COUNTLESS number of times

i say that because i run into those people everyday, even moreso that i see one of them everyday when i wake up and look at myself in the mirror and see a relfection of never ending sorrow to the time i lay myself to sleep ...

yes, i must confess, i am one of those smiley people, yet i have to ask myself, what am i smiling for? it's certainly not for me ... the bubbliness of my physique is not parallel with my inner soul ...

so to me and to you, i will forever remain InevitablyDooMeD ...


Anonymous said...

Iam a smiley face as well..If u would wana know the reason u should read the book am currently reading "social intelligence"..holds the answers..something to do with the positive mind amd the mimic memory..

Anonymous said...


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